Tree spires subnautica below zero map
Tree spires subnautica below zero map

tree spires subnautica below zero map


The south-western corner of the basin is a series of hills and cliffs, with a small tech site bordering another river where the player can unlock the Snowfox Hop Module. The player may ascend a nearby hill to access the southern portion of the biome, which contains the lake leading into the Glacial Connection and the entrances to the previously mentioned underwater cave.

tree spires subnautica below zero map

The north-eastern portion of the basin houses the Phi Robotics Center as well as the river that leads to an underwater cave. Numerous Frosted Sinew Trees can be found throughout the area. The Basin is the second-largest outdoor section of the map after the Arctic Spires. It also features many blasting vents that can propel the player upwards while riding on the Snowfox. The area is dominated by hills, cliffs, and ridges, as well as a few rivers and waterfalls. It is a very rocky biome surrounded by tall, icy cliff sides. The main section of the Glacial Basin is the exterior portion. The Glacial Basin can be devised into seven regions: The area surrounding the lake harbors the basin’s Pengwings and Penglings. Towards the south of the biome, a lake harboring a dock contains the entrance to the Glacial Connection, one of the two ways in or out of the Glacial Basin as well as an underwater cave that leads the player back to the frozen river leading to the Phi Robotics Center.


The player may trek a full circle around the biome, as it loops. The area also contains the majority of the game’s Spy Pengling sites. Multiple Ore Veins and Snowfox fragments can be found throughout the biome. The latter also marks the location of Parvan’s Bunker. Two notably tall ice mountains–one located near the center of the biome and one located northwest– mark the locations of the caves containing the Phi Robotics Center and the Phi Excavation Site, respectively. The Glacial Basin is a large, empty basin most likely created thousands of years ago by the movement of a long collapsed glacier. The biome borders the Glacial Bay and Glacial Connection. The biome plays a vital role in Samantha Ayou's part of the story. Players taking the latter route will find themselves surfacing a lake in the southern portion of the biome. Players accessing the biome through the Glacial Bay will find themselves near the Phi Robotics Center. The Glacial Basin is a large above-ground biome in Subnautica: Below Zero that is accessed from either the Glacial Bay or the Glacial Connection. Leaves of Quartz (Temperate & Underwater Caves).Molten Silver (Dark, Temperate, and Underwater Caves).I think they were more of a remnant from the original game where there were. In low depth areas, I usually rely on solar panels though. I dont think purple vents will work either. Part Organic Part Digital (Glacial Basin and Glacial Forest) Tree spires wont be good for building thermal plants.Limestone (Surface of the Glacial Connection Lake).Titan Holefish (Surface of the Glacial Connection Lake).The area was likely established as a mining installation, indicated by the columns, beams, and several mounted claw arms erected to form an apparatus for dislodging the nearby crystals for study. Burrowed beneath the rubble is an Architect storage medium with the arm exposed scanning it will unlock the tissues blueprint for Al-An’s body. Located towards the back of the platform, a pile of rubble obstructs the player from going any further into the cache. The West Iceberg Zones northern reaches are dominated by a sprawling collection of lively icebergs. Two specimen cases are located at either side of the platform, each containing a sample of the surrounding crystals. The West Iceberg Zone is located in the southwest, and borders the Arctic Kelp Forest, Glacial Connection, Glacial Bay, Thermal Spires, Tree Spires, and World Edge.

tree spires subnautica below zero map

Above the table is a claw mechanism securing a crystal in place. The left of the platform features a microscope, along with three crystals atop a large table. The cache boasts a large platform, with a ramp constructed on the right side. The Arctic Spires Cache is located within a rocky enclosure surrounded by clusters of luminous green crystal growths. The cache can only be accessed if the player approaches it with Al-An inside their head. The Arctic Spires Cache is an Architect Base in the Arctic Spires containing the tissues fragment for Al-An's Storage Medium, as well as once serving as a mining site for the components to create Ion Cubes.

Tree spires subnautica below zero map